Welcome to the Child and Family Practice

An integrated service for children, their families and adults.

The Child and Family Practice hosts a unique range of services under one roof. Members of the Practice are internationally recognised for their expertise in the psychological well-being and mental health of children, young people and adults. Our team includes leaders in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy and mediation for children,adolescents, adults, couples and families.

The Child and Family Practice strive to promote diversity and inclusivity in our clinical practices and services. At the Child and Family Practice, our core values align with compassion, respect, acceptance, and a working partnership with those who seek our services.

Families and Parenting

Counselling & Psychotherapy

Child Behaviour & Development

Autism & ADHD

Anxiety & Depression

Eating Disorders

Multi-Disciplinary Assessments


School and Education

Couples & Relationships

Intercultural Couples & Families



Weekend Retreat for intercultural couples and relationships

9TH - 11TH MAY 2025, LENHAM, KENT, UK The Intercultural Couples Retreat offers you a…

Working with couples effectively across cultural, ethnic, class, gender and racial divides

A four day workshop with The Intercultral Exeter Model Workshop Dates: 15th & 16th January,…

Intercultural Couples Group

The Intercultural Couples Group offers participants an opportunity to work on their relationships, which may…