Janet Reibstein is a psychologist , individual psychotherapist , and family therapist. She works with individuals, couples, and families, as well as relationships at work. She is Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Exeter, where she runs postgraduate training in family therapy and systemic practice for The Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. She was formerly Affiliated Lecturer inSocial and Political Sciences at the University of Cambridge where she was also Psychological Consultant to Kings College, Cambridge. She is the author of six books and numerous articles covering her research on various aspects of relationships; couples and families; divorce and separation; and the psychological and emotional effects of illness on families and couples. Professor Reibstein has also contributed documentary series for television and Radio 4.
Reibstein, J. (in preparation): Inter Act: the evidence for relating skillfully. London and New York: Bloomsbury
Reibstein, J. and Sherbersky, H. (in press) ‘Manualising the Exeter Model: couple therapy for depression – a behavioural-systemic approach’, in Mariotti, M., Saba, G. and Stratton, P (eds) Handbook of systemic approaches to psychotherapy manuals: integrating research, practice, and training. New York: Springer
Reibstein, J. and Singh, R. (2020) ‘The Intercultural Exeter Couples Model: making connections for a divided world through systemic-behavioural therapy’. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell